Friday, July 15, 2011

Update for 7/15/11

Chloe woke up last night for the first time since the accident. She slowly looked around the hospital room. Her Dad told her where she was at, what had happened with the horse, and what had happened at the hospital. Chloe cried a little bit. She was able to talk, but very, very softly.

The doctors took out her breathing tube, so she is now breathing on her own. They also took out the rod that had measured the pressure in her brain. They have taken her completely off the sedatives. The neurosurgeon was very pleased how everything was coming along. Her family has been reading books to Chloe and she’s able to follow along.

They are going to switch her over from her strong pain meds to milder pain meds. And then tomorrow they’ll be taking x-rays to see if they can take her neck brace off. There are many tests still to be done and she is still in ICU. But things are looking very good today.


  1. Hooray for the good news! We are all praying for you Chloe and can't wait to get you home.
    We love you!

  2. We're so happy she's doing better. You're in our prayers!
